Nicole
Kidman
Confirms
More
Viral
Ads
Are
Coming
to
a
Theater
Near
You!
(Exclusive)
Nicole
Kidman
comes
to
this
place
for
passion.
The
Oscar
winner—who
has
had
a
busy
year
premiering
multiple
projects,
including
Netflix’s
The
Perfect
Couple,
the
second
season
of
Paramount+’s
Lioness
and
her
upcoming
film
Babygirl—shared
what
helps
her
to
keep
working
instead
of
burning
out.
“I’m
just
still
so,
so
passionate
about
what
do,”
Nicole
exclusively
told
E!
News
at
The
Gothams
34th
Annual
Film
Awards
in
New
York
City
Dec.
2.
“I
love
acting,
and
love
being
with
people
that
are
so
inspiring.”
“And
a
great
script
is
a
great
script,”
she
continued.
“So,
don’t
think
it’s
burnout.
It’s
more
staying
in
a
place
of
just
[being]
incredibly
grateful
for
opportunities
and
the
ability
to
work
with
people
that
love.”
(For
more
from
Nicole
Kidman
and
more
stars
who
attended
The
Gothams
2024,
tune
in
to
E!
News
tonight,
Dec.
2,
at
p.m.)