– Finish the sentence? I'm Norm Macdonald and I'm what? – [Interviewer] And I'm going to finish this sentence – I'm Norm Macdonald and I'm going to Finish This Sentence
(jazzy music) Norm Macdonald Has a Show is just me talking to a dude, and then we're both really funny in it In my dressing room at Norm Macdonald Has a Show, I always make sure that I have a whole bunch of SweeTart Ropes I'd wash that down with five or six Red Bulls 'Cause I'm a man The strangest request from one of my guests was if they could eat a chocolate bar throughout the entire interview
And I had to say no because, you know, the noise – [Interviewer] Who requested that? – David Spade 'Cause he claimed, his blood sugar was plummeting (Norman chuckles) The Saturday Night Live cast member I miss working with the most is Chris Farley, because he'd always try and make you laugh during every scene by throwing in funny things and just by being Farley The most underrated comedian today is the man I feel is the best comedian today, which is Brian Regan who never seems to be listed in the ridiculous top comedians list
I get stage fright when I have to walk through the audience As soon as I get on stage I just stare into the lights and I'm all alone, but when I'm walking through the audience on the way to the stage I get pretty scared The funniest person on Twitter is FATJEW I don't know where that guy comes up with all that stuff (Norman chuckles) He steals it, it was a joke