Then, once you have array covariance, you can cast String[]

create generic array types in Java

Arrays are said canada goose outlet new york city to be covariant canada goose outlet reviews which basically means that, given the subtyping rules of Java, an array of type T[] may contain elements of type T canada goose outlet sale or any subtype of T. For instance

Number[] numbers = new Number[3];

But not only that, the canada goose outlet subtyping rules of Java also state that an array S[] is a cheap canada goose subtype of the array T[] if S is a subtype of T, therefore, something like this is also valid:

Integer[] myInts = {1,2,3,4};

Number[] myNumber = myInts;

Because according to the subtyping rules in Java, an array Integer[] is a subtype of an array canada goose outlet toronto factory Number[] because Integer is a subtype canada goose jacket outlet of Number.

But this subtyping rule can lead to an interesting question: what would happen if we try to do this?

myNumber[0] = 3.14; //attempt of heap pollution

This last line would compile just fine, but if we run this code, we would get an ArrayStoreException because we’re trying to put a double into an integer array. The fact that we are accessing the Canada Goose Online array through a Number reference is irrelevant here, what matters is that the array is an array of integers.

This means that we can fool the compiler, but we cannot fool the run time type system. And this is so because arrays are what canada goose outlet uk sale we call a canada goose uk shop reifiable type. This means that at run time Java knows that this array was actually instantiated as an array of integers which simply happens to be accessed through a reference of type Number[].

So, as we can see, one thing is the actual type of the object, an canadian goose jacket another thing is the type of the canada goose coats on sale reference that we use to access it, right?

The Problem with Java Generics

Now, the problem with generic types in Java is that the type information for type parameters is discarded by the compiler after the compilation of code is cheap canada goose uk done; therefore this type information is not available at run time. This process is called type erasure. There are good reasons for implementing generics like this in Java, but that’s a long story, and it has to do with binary compatibility with pre existing code.

The important point here is that since at run time there is no type information, there is no way to ensure canada goose outlet in usa that we are not committing heap pollution.

Let’s consider now the following unsafe code:

List myInts = newArrayList();

List myNums = myInts; //compiler errorIf the Java compiler does not stop us from doing this, the run time type system cannot stop us either, because there is no way, at run time, to determine that this list was supposed to be a list of integers only. The Java run time would let us put whatever we want into this list, when it should only contain integers, because when it was created, it canada goose outlet uk was declared as a list of integers. That’s why the compiler rejects line number 4 because it is unsafe and if allowed could break the assumptions of the type system.

As such, the designers of Java canada goose outlet store made sure that we cannot fool the compiler. If we cannot fool the compiler (as we can do with arrays) then we cannot fool canada goose outlet shop the run time type system either.

As such, we say that generic types are non reifiable, since at run time we cannot determine the true nature of the generic type. It uk canada goose all started with array covariance. Then, once you have array covariance, you can cast String[] buy canada goose jacket to Object and store canada goose an Integer in it. So then they had to add a runtime type check for array stores canada goose outlet nyc (ArrayStoreException) because the issue could not be caught at compile time. (Otherwise, an Integer actually could be stuck in a String[], and you would get an error when you tried to retrieve it, which would be horrible.).

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