there's sounded like a common was laughing it was really creaky please hey guys I just woke up and we're in our Hollywood apartment right now and this Hollywood apartment is basically haunted and especially the basement so we're gonna go check it out and also you guys I heard noises downstairs and it sounded like a Khan was laughing it was really creaky but yeah there's a really weird scratching noises last night like on the wall and I heard the door creaking oh I heard that too I don't and then like it got even windier and do you not that means ghosts means it's windier because they pass by really what this is a really old building you know what was that crack in in there oh yeah what you got oh I hope there was nobody there but the door just closed what the hell oh my god Timmy you scared me doing all those weird noises I'm posting a super high-pitched voice and normally okay guys let's check out the basement then delicious laughs let's explore I'm just so excited to go and see what's in the basement they're also really nice stairs it's like one of those near me look I just saw something there oh look there is like a really weird opening why is there Budiman that's like really weird that there's no handle is just like pieces of wood there I don't like it cutter do you hear the noise I hear it from downstairs maybe it wants us to follow it let's go follow it oh no not that again okay let's go do you like elevators guys like weird creepy elevators you guys this is our creepy elevator and I'm super scared of what's gonna happen are you sure you want to go down there what step why is this place so old-fashioned creepy it's actually it's not as scary it looks like a Pheo asylum let's go yeah there was something in the basement tonight yeah you wanna come visit us but we don't want to go back there is something creaky I'll protect you don't worry Thank You Daddy your are here my hero I love you he's coming with us okay okay I feel better if that daddy's coming Venus never scared okay sweetie I just second what does a nice picture oh my gosh sit down this is quite nice did you hear that mom not dad it wasn't it was in you we're behind the wall there's this massive space it's covered up this looks like prison dear mom I dare you No I dare you stop day me okay there's nothing here you saw a dead bug yeah and it was like a cockroach kind of shrimp so where was it oh my god yeah it is okay there is a dead bug yeah come on let's go this way it ain't what you got it's what you is haunted it's how you do okay anyone here all OH I don't think we have case for these guys Oh oh my god I scared myself I see ourselves in the mirror oh I just heard something oh my god what's in here oh I thought that was to be out what the heck was that oh not very come on let's go this is awesome video make sure to like just good look because you're fair about into the video cuz this was us okay I'll see like hey guys this is actually not haunted but really that was really creepy Jayhawker and they just lands over maybe it is haunted let's get out of here